29 Pottery

Clay Amphora
Clay Amphora

The production of clay vessels required special skills from the potter: To prevent them from cracking during firing, the clay had to be enriched with small stones. For the base of the vessel, part of the clay was pressed wide. The rest was used to form beads, which were placed around the base plate and smoothed out. In this way, the wall of the vessel was gradually formed. For the decoration, patterns were scratched or pressed into the dried clay and filled with white paste. After the vessel had air-dried for a few days, it could be fired. The amphora from Hamburg-Winterhude is the only, unusual, addition from a shallow grave of the Funnel Beaker Culture.

Info: Showcase 29


Age: 4000 - 2800 v. Chr. Neolithic period

Material: Ceramics

Location: HH-Winterhude