31 Imitations

Display Case 31
Flint Dagger with Cast Seam (1)
Flint Dagger with Cast Seam (2)
Detail of the Handle (3)
Flint Dagger with Cast Seam (3)

In the late Neolithic period, copper became increasingly important - but it was slow to reach northern Germany. Nevertheless, people knew objects made of the new material, which had certainly come into the country via traders, and tried to imitate it in the existing and familiar stone. Flint daggers, for example, were decorated with imitation cast stitching on the handle. They represent a high point in flint working and at the same time mark the end of the Neolithic period about 4,000 years ago.

Info: Showcase 31

Fishtail Dagger with Cast Seam

Age: 2200 - 1800 v. Chr. Neolithic period - Bronze Age

Material: Flint

Location: Schleswig

Flint Dagger with Cast Seam

Age: 2200 - 1800 v. Chr. Neolithic period - Bronze Age

Material: Flint

Location: Bornholt

Flint Dagger with Cast Seam

Age: 2200 - 1800 v. Chr. Neolithic period - Bronze Age

Material: Flint

Location: Lürschau